Anti-wrinkle injections
Botox (Botulinum Toxin A) is a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which is then purified for clinical and cosmetic use. Botox® is injected into a muscles where it blocks the chemical signal (acetylcholine) sent from the nerves to the muscle. This means that the muscle is put into a state of temporary relaxation softening fine lines and wrinkles in the skin.
From £160
5-10 minutes
frequency of treatment
3-6 months
Frown lines are the vertical lines that appear between the eyebrows caused by repeated frowning. Deep frown lines cause individuals to look stressed and angry. This procedure involves treatment to the procerus and corrugator muscles and will result in a more approachable and well rested appearance.
Lines on the forehead are one of the most noticeable signs of ageing and can start to appear in your 20s. Anti-wrinkle injections are the most effective treatment to soften and eliminate wrinkles to create a youthful and glowing appearance.
Crow’s feet are fine lines that appear around the eyes from everyday expressions such as squinting and smiling. The procedure consists of treatment to the orbicularis oculi muscle around both eyes. This treatment will leave you looking smooth and rejuvenated.
A brow lift elevates the tail of the brow and open the eyes to leave you looking more refreshed.. Achieving a brow lift using botulinum toxin requires a detailed understanding of facial anatomy and we use different techniques to create a subtle and temporary lift without the risks of surgery.
Bunny lines are wrinkles that appear either side of the nose that are caused by repeated facial movements that wrinkle the nose. We can smoothen out these lines to give a smoother overall flawless finish using anti-wrinkle injections.
Sagging skin and down-turned corners of the mouth can create a tired and depressed appearance. The depressor anguli oris muscle pulls down the corners of the mouth. By relaxing this muscle the corners of the mouth are lifted up to a neutral position resulting in a happier and more youthful appearance..
Peri-oral lines extend vertically above and below the lips and can significantly age your appearance. These lines will become deeper and more prominent if left untreated. For the most effective results we use a combination of wrinkle relaxing injectoions and dermal filler to soften and blur these lines.
Chin ‘pebbling’ is an effect of loss of collagen along with hyperactivity of the mentalis muscle, this is also known as the ‘orange peel’ effect. We can reduce the appearance of a pebbled chin by placing a small amount of botox into the mentalis muscle causing the muscle to relax. This results in a flawless and smooth appearance.
A gummy smile is when an excessive amount of gum is shown above your teeth when smiling. This often occurs due to hyperactivity of the elevator muscles above the lip. We can restore confidence by relaxing the elevator muscles to lower the upper lip when smiling. If youre self conscious about your smile this could be the treatment for you.
Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for abnormal excessive sweating, this can cause a significant amount of social anxiety and embarassment. Botulinum Toxin A can be used to prevent excess sweating, it works by blocking the signals the body sends to the sweat glands to produce sweat. This is a highly effective treatment which is life changing. Results can last up to 6 months.
Due to poor posture and ageing, the neck muscles become tighter and more pronounced. The neck is often over looked, but prominent neck bands and wrinkles can age your appearance immensely. By relaxing these muscles we also tighten the jawline reducing ‘jowling’ whilst achieving an elegant, youthful neck. We also call this procedure the Nefertiti lift.
Teeth grinding (also known as Bruxism) can lead to tension around the jaw, headaches and damage to the teeth. The increased use of the masseter muscles when grinding or clenching the teeth, causes them to grow dramatically in size creating a ‘boxy’, square jawline. By relaxing the masseter muscle we can prevent it from being over worked creating a slimmer jawline as well as helping to protect the teeth from grinding away. The results from treatment are life changing. This treatment is also beneficial to individuals who naturally have large masseter muscles.
If you feel like your lip disappears when you smile this may be the treatment for you. Often the lip muscle (orbicularis oris) over contracts causing the top lip to tuck under when smiling, we use wrinkle-relaxing injections to partially relax the muscle around the lip so more lip is shown when smiling. This results in a fuller and more lifted looking lip without the use of dermal filler.
Baby Botox is more of a preventative treatment (preventing wrinkles forming). Smaller doses of Botox are used for a subtle and natural result.
The ideal candidate for this treatment has soft lines and wrinkles, when you raise your eyebrows or frown you can notice subtle lines and creases.. the aim of baby Botox is to prevent wrinkles and lines deepening and becoming more static.
before and after
frequently asked questions
Unlike dermal filler, Botox® does not fill existing wrinkles instead, it temporarily relaxes the muscles that create the wrinkles. It can take up to 14 days to take full effect.
Sometimes clients may require a top up to ensure they have perfect results. You need to inform us if you require a top up on day 14 of your treatment. This is free of charge.
The anti-wrinkle injections will last 3-6 months depending on factors such as your body’s metabolism and tolerance to the toxin. When a muscle is not in use it shrinks in size (muscle atrophy) therefore after several treatments clients will find that their results last much longer.
The first signs of ageing can start in your 20s. Dynamic wrinkles are those that appear when a muscle contracts, static lines are those that start to appear even when the muscle is rested. We want to prevent static wrinkles appearing later in life as these are much more difficult to treat. If you can start to see static lines on the skin when your face is relaxed, we would recommend booking in for a treatment. Prevention is better than the cure.
Each procedure may only take as little as a few minutes; however we often spend a substantial length of time during your consultation to ensure we give you your desired outcome. Anti-wrinkle appointments are approximately 30 minutes in length.
All make-up will be removed from the area to be treated so wear no make-up or minimal make-up to the appointment.
Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before (and after) the procedure.
Discontinue blood thinning medication 7 days prior to treatment, as they may increase the risk of bruising, this includes aspirin and ibuprofen (please check with your Dr before stopping prescribed medication). Also avoid St John’s Wort, fish oils, Gingko Biloba, Vitamins C and E 24 hours before treatment.
Avoid using topical products such as Tretinoin, Retinols and Glycolic Acid 3 days prior treatment.
Contact clinic prior to treatment if you have any illness such as colds, coughs or sore throat or any skin infections.
Contact the clinic if you have any other procedures planned such as facials and dental appointments.
Arnica tablets can be taken 3 days before treatment to reduce the risk of bruising. Ensure you have had something to eat prior to treatment to decrease the chances of light-headedness.
Avoid high intensity exercise immediately following treatment
Avoid touching or rubbing areas injected
Avoid heavy alcohol consumption on same day
Avoid any activity or environment that may cause you to sweat (sauna's, steam rooms, sunbeds)
Remain upright for 3-4 hours after treatment
Exercise the injected muscles
Full effect will be at around 10-14 days
Duration of action 3 months